Teleos Health

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Business Name: Teleos Health

Contact Name: Gail Wehrman

Business Address:
4030 Mt Carmel Tobasco Road
Cincinnati, OH 45255


Business Phone: 513-549-1001

Teleos Health provides physical therapy services from a Christ-centered perspective. We focus on each client as a whole person, understanding that emotional and spiritual health are key to healing physical health. We work to develop an individualized plan and provide the tools for each individual client’s need to achieve wholeness.

What first inspired you to get into your line of work? And what motivates you to do the work you do still today?

Both of my parents have a medical background, and I grew up interested in the field. However, I was unsure which direction to take until an event in high school. During my junior year, I had a serious sports injury that left me with limitations and pain. I was sent to physical therapy to aid in my recovery. The physical therapist, Mary Jo, helped me return to normal life and ignited a fire to do the same for others. She went a step further and took me under her wing after I completed my treatment. She pushed me to pursue my dream by mentoring me and giving me numerous opportunities.

How did you come to faith in Christ?

I grew up in the church but didn’t really understand who God was until my teen years.  At a retreat, I was challenged to do something I knew I couldn’t do on my own.  It was beyond my ability as a teen, so I asked God to take over for me.  Even though that was when I turned toward God it wasn’t until later that I grasped what that meant.  In college, I finally understood what it truly meant to be a Christ follower and fully embrace the gift of reconciliation and redemption he offered.

How does your faith impact the way you do business?

My faith is integral to our business model.  Although most people come for physical pain and limitations, we look at each person as a whole.  We talk about the influence of their mental, emotional and spiritual life on their physical pain and limitations.  We often pray with clients about their pain and the things in their lives that is affecting their pain.

What ministry/cause do you champion and why?

We actively encourage all our clients to pursue community through a church body.  We believe that doing life alone is not how God intended.  For we are designed for a relationship with Him, and his people and we need to sharpen each other to grow in those relationships. It is hard to shine Christ’s light in the darkness when we are not being fueled and engaged with his body.

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