Do Something Meaningful This Christmas

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By Drew Dinkelacker, Do Something Meaningful This Christmas

We see the de-valuation of Christmas all around us.

I willingly admit that I have spent more time and money on gift giving rather than personally preparing to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.

It’s clear that the story of Jesus, as the central focus of Christmas, has been lost on many in America.

I confess that I have helped to de-value Christmas.  God forgive me.

But, there is a change in my heart that is wanting to do something…do something better…do something meaningful this year to actually celebrate Christmas’ true meaning.

I don’t believe that I am alone in feeling this way.

Here is the good news…I believe we are at the infancy of a movement that is being born here in Cincinnati, that is also spreading to other cities in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana as well.

It is called Carol Cincinnati (Carol 2017 in other cities).

Movements start when current situations swing too far to one perspective. That has happened in our society with the removal of Christ from Christmas.

Several visionaries have claimed Carol Cincinnati has “movement” potential.  Whether they are accurate or not, the truth is this…caroling activity and events are making a comeback, and Carol Cincinnati is leading the way. On the second weekend of December (Dec. 8-10, 7-9 pm each night), hundreds of volunteer caroling groups will spread out among Cincinnati neighborhoods and beyond to share the Good News of the birth of Christ on the doorsteps of their neighbors.

It sounds simple enough.  Just go caroling.

For those of you who have done this before, you have witnessed firsthand the impact of singing these songs on someone’s doorstep.

  • It is an effective outreach.
  • It is a personal experience for both the caroler and those to whom they sing .
  • It is often welcomed.  We’ve seen lonely individuals and families sing along, laugh, cry, and share their burdens.  All are uplifted by the experience.

Carol Cincinnati was founded by Darrel Geis, president of the Christian Blue Network.

For eight years now, Darrel and others (myself included) have poured our hearts into Carol Cincinnati.

This year, we feel that this event is on the verge of a breakthrough.

So I am asking you to “Do Something Meaningful” this Christmas…

  • Consider forming your own caroling group – Whether you are available the 2nd weekend of December, or some other time … doesn’t matter.

Do your part to share the Gospel message this season.

Visit for register for a free caroling kit, to download a songbook, and a chance to win prizes!

  • If you can’t pull off your own Caroling Group, then LIKE the Go Caroling Facebook page and sing around the family Christmas tree.

It’s not too late to participate.  Pick up free copies of the Christmas Blue Pages, pull together family and friends (or your church group), and walk around your neighborhood singing carols.

A movement to re-capture the true meaning of Christmas has begun. Will you be part of it?

By: Drew Dinkelacker

Drew Dinkelacker is the president of, a Cincinnati-based strategic marketing agency, serving small to medium sized businesses with Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) services on an as needed basis.


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