Shine Like Stars

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By Darrel Geis, Shine Like Stars

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”   John 1:5

“Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky.” Philippians 2:15b

In my January 2017 blog titled “Game Day”, I shared the story of the faithfulness of a handful of students involved with OSU Bible Studies to share the Good News of Christ (during the years I attended Ohio State). As a ministry outreach, these undergrads would pass out OSU football team rosters that included interviews with football players who were believers in Christ. They brought the good news of Jesus into the “marketplace of everyday life”, and their work was influential in planting seeds of faith in the hearts of countless OSU students, including mine.

In a world where cultural forces keep kicking God out of schools, business, and other areas of society, we need to be, as Bible teacher David Jeremiah puts it, “salty saints” – preserving the right to speak the truth of Christ in the public forum, and “seasoning” every area with the Good News. The world of business is highly competitive – who has the best website, the most creative logo, or the most effective marketing strategy. But rarely do you hear or see the name of Christ mentioned outside of the walls of the church. Our culture, as a result, seems to get darker and darker every year. This should not be.

We as believers should demonstrate the love of Christ in our actions, for sure, but I suggest we also need to be willing to share stories of the Lord’s faithfulness in words as well. Every one of us who follows Christ has a story to tell – let’s share it as often, and in as many ways, as possible. Integrating our faith life with our work life is a great place to start.

If you are looking for practical ways to shine the light of Christ through your business (and personal) life, I offer these suggestions below – through prayer, what you share, what you “wear”, and how you care. Choose which ideas work best given your situation, then trust God that these actions will bear fruit for eternity:

Prayer – 1 Thessalonians 5:17 “Be joyful always, pray continually…”

  1. Pray for your clients, vendors, and staff
  2. Plan a weekly staff prayer time and/or devotional
  3. Open and close every meeting in prayer
  4. When a need arises, pray for someone right then, instead of saying “I’ll pray for you”
  5. Offer a prayer for your meal at restaurants; ask your server ahead of time if they have a prayer request you can include.
  6. Pray on the full armor of God at the start of your day
  7. Pray Psalm 5:3 – then wait expectantly


  1. Tell your faith story regularly – with believers first – until you are comfortable telling it to others.
  2. Share your organization’s core (faith) principles on a “Who We Are” section of your company website (see “Who We Are” page as an example)
  3. Blog stories of faith – click here!
  4. Add a Faith section in your company e-newsletter
  5. Play Christian music in the background of your waiting room or office
  6. Populate social media with Biblical encouragements, mixed in quotes from inspirational leaders.
  7. Take advantage of holidays like Easter (including Lent), Mother’s and Father’s Days, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas to share the Good News on social media.
  8. Wear Christian attire at events.
  9. Place a Bible and other Christian material in your waiting room or lobby
  10. Send birthday cards to clients that include a scriptural encouragement.
  11. As long as it is in good taste, put a Christian bumper sticker on your car (i.e.
  12. Company Christmas parties – share the true meaning of Christmas, go caroling (see ). Simply wish people “Merry Christmas”.   God’s word never returns void.

Wear (Promotional Opportunities)

  1. “DO wear your faith on your sleeve” — view advertising as an opportunity to reach clients AND witness – include Christian symbols, scriptural references in print, web, and mobile advertising.
  2. Add a Faith statement or symbol on your business card
  3. Offer Christian giveaway items at your trade show booth
  4. Advertise on (and listen to) Christian radio – many people come to Christ through this ministry
  5. If you haven’t already, advertise in the Christian Blue Network (we’ll help you shine your light).


  1. Promote Christian causes in your newsletter
  2. Tell people “God bless you today” verbally, on voicemail, etc.
  3. Collaborate with others (or other organizations) on faith initiatives
  4. Apply the Matthew 18 principle if have an issue with a brother or sister in the Lord, or anyone.
  5. If you love someone, tell them, and tell them that God loves them, too.
  6. Grow in understanding of faith/life balance – check out the resources found at

Take a step of faith, and trust that God will make you “shine like stars in the universe”.

If you practice other ways to bring the Good News into your work world, I’d love to hear from you!

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16

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