Renew Paint & Power Wash

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Business Name: Renew Paint & Power Wash

Contact Name: Nate Duehring & Ryan Miller

Business Address:
697 Joyful St.
Columbus, OH


Business Phone: 614-407-4097

Renew Paint and Power Wash is a residential interior and exterior painting company that aims to serve the central Ohio area through a lived practice of core values, like Knowing Christ and making Him known, adding value to all that we do, being disciplined and accountable, having a growth mindset, and being wholesome. Through these core values, we ultimately aim to be a place where people can grow into the fullness of Christ. That is the hope for ourselves as owners and for all our employees.

What first inspired you to get into your line of work? And what motivates you to do the work you do still today?

What initially inspired us to get into painting homes was realizing that it was a great and easy way to transform a home. The context of the job site of painting inside of people’s homes and on their property lent itself to meaningful connections and conversations with clients and employees to help make the most of the time.

How did you come to faith in Christ?

(Ryan) I was not raised in a household of faith. But in high school, I was invited to church for the first time by a friend. After attending for a short while and being exposed to the gospel for the first time, I put my hope and faith in Christ. I was hungry for spiritual food and was being fed by a good community and good teaching.

(Nate) I grew up in a Christian home and I professed faith at some point around middle school. I grew a lot during my time at Moody Bible Institute and would say it was there that I more fully understood that Christ is Lord and King and that I can’t earn his forgiveness but it is by grace through faith in Christ alone that I am united to Him. This is something that I’m continually reminded of each and every week through hearing the preached Word of God, times of confessing sin, being assured of my forgiveness, and partaking in communion.

How does your faith impact the way you do business?

Our faith is the grid we filter the how and why we do business. Living an integrated life where our work, our family, our ministry is all under the great reality that Jesus is King. There isn’t a compartmentalized life. Jesus has something to say to all areas of our lives.

What ministry/cause do you champion and why?

Being made into a better disciple is something that has greatly increased in passion and urgency in this season of our lives.  We are becoming more convinced that if each Christian had that heart and mind to become a better disciple of Christ, the world around them would truly change. The Great Commission was to make disciples of all nations. We want to be made into better disciples. We want to make disciples of Christ. We think making disciples of Christ is the most urgent need of our age. We believe that being a part of our local churches is one of the most important ways that this can all happen.

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