Kingdom Family Dentistry

Support StaffChristian Business Spotlights 2 Comments

Contact Name: Dr. Monica Swope

Your Title: Owner

Company Name: Kingdom Family Dentistry                         

Phone Number: 513-742-2322

Address: 772 Waycross Rd, Cincinnati, Ohio 45240

Web Address:


  • Please describe your business here:

Kingdom Family Dentistry is a faith-based Christian dental practice that keeps Christ first. Since 1990, their goal is to provide each patient with the very best dental care in the most supportive and nurturing manner possible. Their office has a family-friendly atmosphere that will immediately put you and your children at ease.


  • How is your business different from others in the same line of work? How does that difference benefit your customers?

We start every morning in prayer with the staff. If there are any specific requests, we petition those before Our Father. There are times when patients are asking us to pray for a specific need. We corporately lift up our patients needs as well.


  • How did you come to faith in Christ?   I was introduced to Christ at a tender, young age. My walk with the Lord became intimate shortly after moving to Cincinnati and under the teaching of Bishop Michael E. Dantley. I saw how God moved in my life after turning my cares over to Him. My faith walk was intensified in that season of teaching, fasting and praying.


  • How does being a Christian affect how you conduct your business?

I am bold with my profession and Love of the Lord. The patients may be scheduled for dental treatment but then will confide in me on a personal level. I have no reservation to lay hands on my patients and pray over them when the need arises.


  • What ministry/cause is near and dear to your heart, and why?

Tender Mercy: I have a heart for the mentally ill. At Tender Mercy, they are reaching those clients and making a difference in their lives. I have faithfully served there with my son for 5 years.


  • Why do you advertise in the Christian Blue Network? Advertising with Christian Blue Pages is a great way to reach out to believers who are in need of dental services.

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