Holy Week 2018 | Word From the President

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We are in the midst of Holy Week 2018, which began with Palm Sunday and includes Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday. It is the last week of Lenten season, and ushers in Easter (or Resurrection) Sunday.

Holy Week is special for Christians as it marks the last days of Jesus Christ on earth. According to the Bible, Jesus rode on a donkey into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, washed the feet of His disciples on Holy Thursday, and was crucified on Good Friday before His resurrection on Easter.

Our prayer here at the Christian Blue Network is that God would embolden your heart and comfort your mind in a fresh, new way to more fully know, love, and serve Christ this week and beyond. As you prepare to commemorate Christ’s death on the cross on Good Friday, remember this… Sunday’s coming, and with it, the unspeakable joy of new life in Christ that we as believers thankfully get to experience every day.

In this month’s Flashback Feature below, I share the story of the greatest birthday gift I ever received. The backdrop of this story is the willingness of one believer in Christ to step out in faith and share the truth of Christ with a loved one during the season of Lent. I encourage you to read on, and I trust you’ll be inspired by the story.

Have a blessed Easter with your family!


Darrel Geis


Christian Blue Network

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