Freedom Bookkeeping Services

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Contact: Sherry Ellington, Owner

Business Name: Freedom Bookkeeping Services

Business Address: PO Box 256 Bethel, OH 45106


Business Phone: 513-456-2150

Business Description:
I help ministries and business owners know where there money is going so they can make informed decisions about their ministry or business. Most people do not start ministries and businesses to do the books. Yes, they are necessary but you started your ministry/business to do the a certain task or provide a service. Why not hire someone who specializes in doing the books like you specialize in what you do? Freedom Bookkeeping Services was started to help people. Customer services has so gone by the wayside in our day and age. I will do what I say, when I say. You can count on me.

What first inspired you to get into your line of work? And what motivates you to do the work you do still today?
I worked at a bank for several years early in my adulthood. Then I have done finances for public school systems and non-profits for almost 20 years. In 2017 I decided that I wanted to do this on my own and not for someone else. I wanted control on the level of customer service that I provide to my clients.

How did you come to faith in Christ?
I grew up in a pastor’s home and knew the lingo from early on. But at the age of 14,  I accepted Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. I realized then that I was a sinner. I also realized that only Jesus, dying on the cross and raising from the dead, could provide the wage for my sin. I now know that I have a home in glory one day.

How does your faith impact the way you do business?
I do everything in my life with the thought, “would this please God?” I don’t always succeed but I try my best with the Lord’s help. I am diligent in my work and strive to provide the best possible service to my clients so that they can see Jesus in me.

What ministry/cause do you champion and why?
I attend First Baptist Church of Milford which is the home of Bearing Precious Seed, a Bible printing ministry.  They print Bibles in many language and send them to help missionaries win more for Christ all over the world. In 2019, they printed over 9 million copies of God’s Word.

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