Cleantec Ltd

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Business Name: Cleantec Ltd

Contact Name: Paul A Dickerson

Business Address:
217 E Eidson St
Eaton OH 45320


Business Phone: 937-533-7735

Started in 2012, Cleantec is an Exterior Substrates cleaning company that cares about a Cleaner World, one house at a time.  From siding to concrete to shingles, gutters, and windows, we offer you solutions for the dirt and filth that grows on your beautiful home.

What first inspired you to get into your line of work? And what motivates you to do the work you do still today?

My best friend’s family moved for church planting, and his Dad offered to sell Cleantec Ltd to me.  Two weeks later, with prayer and counsel, I bought the enterprise and became an entrepreneur!  I wasn’t looking for the opportunity, but when it was presented, I was inspired to learn (and be challenged) how to be a good steward of small business.

How did you come to faith in Christ?

My parents raised us children (all 13 of them) to fear the Lord and be obedient, along with studying and seeking God through Jesus Christ.  I sought after God fervently for several years before coming to grips with my selfish sin nature.  I finally submitted to Jesus Christ and His church at 19 years old, being baptized in His name, and being in fellowship with a church community.

How does your faith impact the way you do business?

Our Christianity isn’t just a theory. It’s a way of life, day and night. I would say that the biggest impact in business because of my Faith in Jesus is the way we respond to others, especially our clients. When things go wrong, we make them right. When things go right, are we giving glory to God? When someone isn’t kind, we become peacemakers. Money isn’t our goal, but relationship is. Our Father God treats us this way, so that’s how we treat others.

What ministry/cause do you champion and why?

I champion the cause and ministry of the Church of Jesus Christ.  Jesus said to bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth, and so we join the community of His disciples and do as Jesus did.  Why??  Because we cannot sit idle until all humanity is reunited with the creator, who loves us, and gave His only begotten Son, not only so we wouldn’t die, but that we might see His face.

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