Contact Name: Mark & Rachel Healy , Owners
Business Name: Senior Care Authority of Greater Cincinnati
Business Address: 9378 S Mason Montgomery Rd – Suite 330, Mason OH, 45040
Business Phone: 513-447-6990
Senior Care Authority is here to assist you and your loved ones in finding the senior care that suits you best, whether that is transitioning into a senior living community or finding the right care in your own home. Contact us for a no-cost initial consultation and see how we can make a difference for the senior in your life.
What first inspired you to get into your line of work? What motivates you to do the work you do still today?
We have had first-hand experience and know the stress and overwhelm that a family feels as they begin to navigate the challenges presented when a loved one is no longer safe to live alone. We moved Rachel’s parents from Virginia and struggled through the entire transition on our own. To say that it was stressful is an understatement. We found few resources when our need was great. Our desire is to be a resource for families, whether they are just starting to plan for the future or they find themselves in the middle of a family crisis. We have studied, trained, and networked to locate the best options available in our area. We also have our own personal experiences which gives us much compassion and empathy for families as they navigate this challenging process. Caring for our loved ones is one of the most rewarding and most challenging experiences we will probably ever have. If you find yourself overwhelmed and not knowing where to begin this process, please reach out. We have been there and we can help you!
How did you come to faith in Christ?
We were both raised in Christ-centered homes where both faith and service were modeled for us by our parents. We both accepted Christ at an early age. True personal faith in Christ was developed by hardships that each of us faced as we became young adults.
How does your faith impact the way you do business?
Being Christ-followers impacts everything that we do. We treat the families that we serve in our business as we would like our own family to be treated. When we are out in the community, whether serving or doing business, we strive to represent Jesus in all we do. We hope that others can see Jesus in our actions as they spend time with us. Our goal is to reflect the love of Jesus in each interaction that we have.
What ministry/cause do you champion and why?
We have a special place in our hearts for the unborn. We have a passion for the dignity of life from before birth to the last breath. We are strong supporters of a variety of Christian ministries that seek to spread the love of Jesus through service to families and those in need. We support ministries both locally and globally because everyone needs Jesus!