Scheeler Financial Group

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Business Name: Scheeler Financial Group

Contact Name: Rick Scheeler

Business Address:
9078 Union Centre Blvd
Suite 202
West Chester, OH 45069


Business Phone: 513-883-6100

We partner primarily with Christians approaching retirement who see themselves as Stewards of what has been entrusted to them. They want to identify what is needed to maintain the lifestyle God has called them to. They want to make an impact in the community for the kingdom as well as give their children advantages to enable them to be all they can be. We do this by taking the time to understand who our clients are, what is important to them, their goals and preferences, and the impact they hope to make in their life. From there we design a financial plan and determine the optimal investment strategies to get them where they want to go. We are then proactive about enhancing and updating the strategies for the changing dynamics of life.

What first inspired you to get into your line of work? And what motivates you to do the work you do still today?

I started as an entry-level assistant in my 20s not knowing anything about financial services. However, I believe in doing the work God puts before me as well as I can. I focused on becoming fully licensed and then earned further designations as I love learning and using knowledge to help people. I had the opportunity to work in a home-office setting training other advisors, but my passion is working with clients. I recently reached my 20-year anniversary!

How did you come to faith in Christ?

When I was 25 a number of things converged together – my first child was born, I was studying the amazing engineering of life as a biology major and a number of people challenged me on taking my faith seriously and on my hypocrisy in sin. While this was the foundation, I had a powerful personal experience that changed my direction instantly.

How does your faith impact the way you do business?

Of course, it is critical to honor God through honest transactions and communication.

Yet as a financial advisor, I take a biblical view that God has entrusted each of us as a Steward and will ask for an accounting on our last day. I hope to help my clients find peace of mind and contentment by following biblical money principles that maximize what is done for the kingdom so that we will one day hear, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’

We do this through comprehensive and personalized goal setting, financial planning, and investment selection combined with a personal relationship.

What ministry/cause do you champion and why?

My vision is to build a community that can sustain 200 people in 100 homes for 6-12 months as they prepare to re-enter society after incarceration, get established in society, and ultimately make their own impact in the community. My ministry specifically serves men with charges that make it particularly difficult for re-entry. We help them pay off fines, get driver’s licenses, etc., and most importantly find work. We partner with ministries working with the men while still incarcerated to both identify possible candidates and increase their possibilities for success once freed. I am passionate about second chances and the grace of God working to transform lives. I principally believe it is “faith working through love” that facilitates their success.

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