Contact Name: Nancy Roberson, Attorney at Law
Business Name: Roberson Law
Business Address: 1225 East David Road
Kettering, OH 45429
Website: http://www.robersonlawdayton.com
Business Phone: 937-643-2000
Business Description:
Roberson Law has over 100 years of combined experience and has been in operation for 35 years. I limit my practice to estate planning, probate. and trust law. In 2002, I was certified by the Ohio State Bar Association as a specialist in these areas. In my estate planning work, I teach people what they need to know about death and disability planning. I enjoy teaching clients one-on-one, and I welcome speaking opportunities at churches or religious or civic organizations. A large part of my practice involves settling estates after people die. This is where we see how millions of dollars are lost to the kingdom because people fail to plan or plan improperly. However, our estate clients who have done their estate planning with us significantly reduce estate settlement costs by having their affairs in order. I also practice in the areas of elder law and asset protection planning for people who have dementia, are terminally ill, or are facing an extended stay in a nursing home.
What first inspired you to get into your line of work? And what motivates you to do the work you do still today?
I’ve been a Christian and involved in church all my life. When I was 12 years old, God called me to be a missionary. Today I am a missionary disguised as a lawyer.
How did you come to faith in Christ?
I grew up in the church that was founded by my grandfather. I always believed in God, but remember making the decision to follow Christ in my nursery school class taught by Miss Eddy.
How does your faith impact the way you do business?
On the wall outside of the entrance to my conference room is a drawing of Mother Theresa next to a picture of a young woman and an older woman. The upper part of the picture shows the young woman helping the older woman, and the bottom part of the picture shows the reflection of the young woman helping Jesus carry his cross. That’s what I try to do every day with my family, friends, employees, and clients. I see my place in this world as one who helps others carry their cross. That cross is what brought me to my Savior and my faith to my practice.
Comments 1
Good Morning in Christ;
I need to get a will together.
I prayerfully ask if you can assist me? His will be done.