Five Star Bath Solutions

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Business Name: Five Star Bath Solutions
Contact Name: Daniel Read

Business Address:
4452 Winton Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45232


Business Phone: 513-866-3297

Have you ever signed a contract with someone, only to find out that the job wasn’t done to your satisfaction: shoddy workmanship, unfinished job, couldn’t contact them, cost you more than expected, etc.?

At Five Star Bath Solutions, we’ve made it our mission to make sure this doesn’t happen to you. Our number one priority is customer service and satisfaction:

We use only the highest quality products
We train and certify all of our technicians
We work exclusively on bathroom remodels
All of this is done to make sure you are happy with the end results.

We make it easy from the initial appointment, the design meeting, to the final installation. Your satisfaction is our priority. No construction project goes off without a hitch, but our goal is to get it as close to perfect as possible.

What first inspired you to get into your line of work? And what motivates you to do the work you do still today?
I have always loved the process of seeing a space transform. In the Bible, the word for this process is metamorphosis and is mentioned in Romans 12:1-2 as it talks about transformation by the renewing of our mind. The Greek word is “μεταμορφόω ” = metamorphoó: to change form.

An office job is fine and dandy but I would much rather see a customer’s house experience metamorphosis through the renewing of the bathroom space.

I started Five Star Bath Solutions to give customers an option for a great-looking shower without the big price tag. Many custom bathroom projects today cost anywhere from $30k-50k. Our process allows you to only pay for what you need. By turning out a high volume of these showers we can keep our material costs down and pass along those savings to the customer.

How did you come to faith in Christ?
I grew up as a second-generation believer. My dad was a worship pastor and I would go to church with him early on Sunday mornings to run slides for the projector or play the keyboard in the band. When I was 18 I went to Cincinnati Christian University where I played college baseball with some great guys who now are pastors all across this region. I spent 10 years as a worship minister myself before switching my vocation to helping people with their home renovation projects.

How does your faith impact the way you do business?
I strive to take care of my customers first and trust that God will take care of me as I do that.

What ministry/cause do you champion and why?
I faithfully support the Lord’s Gym as it serves urban areas in Cincinnati. I grew up in Price Hill and the work that this ministry is doing in the West Side of Cincinnati is so encouraging to see.

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