Creekside Family Dental

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Business Name: Creekside Family Dental
Contact Name: Dr. Will Leffler

Business Address:
111 W Johnstown Road Ste A
Gahanna, Ohio 43230


Business Phone: 614-471-5090

Creekside Family Dental is a general dental office that prides itself on personalized attention with conservative treatment.

What first inspired you to get into your line of work? And what motivates you to do the work you do still today?
My father is a dentist, like his father and uncle. I wanted to do something that allowed me to spend plenty of time with my family while being able to provide for them. I saw this as a perfect fit.

How did you come to faith in Christ?
I received Christ when I went to church camp as a child. I had attended church most of my young life but decided to make His sacrifice count for me while enjoying camp with friends.

How does your faith impact the way you do business?
I am here to serve and not to take. While I need to provide for my family, I know that I will be blessed by the Lord regardless. This approach to dentistry and security allows me to only recommend needed dentistry.

What ministry/cause do you champion and why?
I enjoy serving, while able, in Haiti with our church as we have a long-term partnership with a church there. We serve practical medical and dental needs while getting people connected with Bible-believing churches in the Jacmel area. It is very fulfilling to serve in this capacity. I also enjoy sharing my faith locally and making patients feel comfortable in the chair while under my dental care. My wife and I also serve in our church to varying degrees as our family grows.

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