Your input on the following questions is appreciated:
1) Have you ever used our website? YesNo
[group website-visit]
If so, how often? WeeklyMonthlyOther
[group visit-website-often]
2) Have you downloaded our Christian Blue Mobile App? YesNo
[group not-downloaded-app]
If not, it takes just 2 minutes from your app store
3) Have you referred people to our network for products & services? If yes, check all that apply
Print DirectoryWebsiteMobile App.
4) Approximately how many free copies of our print directory should we send for you to make
available to your congregation (Cincinnati/NKY, Dayton/Springfield & Miami Valley, Columbus & Central OH only)?
5) How will you distribute the directories? (Check all that apply)
Hand them outPut on information table/rackIn staff
[group directories-distribution]
6) Would your church like to receive FREE copies of our Christmas Carol Songbook?
[group number-of-copies]
If yes, how many?
*Depending on market availability
7) Interested in receiving the following email communication from us? (check all that apply)
8) Do you have comments about the Christian Blue Pages or ideas of how we can serve you better?
If a comment is given, may we use it in promotional materials? YesNo
*Churches receiving free listings must complete and sign this form annually, agree to
distribute the directory, and adhere to Christian Blue Pages advertising requirements,
subject to approval.