Church Agreement Request

    FREE Web-Mobile App-Print Listing Opportunity for Your Church (up to a $500 Value -- print listings available in the following markets only: Greater Cincinnati/NKY, Dayton/Springfield & Miami Valley, Columbus & Central OH)

    To receive your FREE LISTING*, the information below must be completed and submitted.

    Church Name *

    Denomination *

    Average Sunday Attendance *

    Pastor's Name *

    Main Contact Name & Title *

    E-mail Address *

    Web Address

    Church Address *

    Phone Number *

    Your input on the following questions is appreciated:

    1) Have you ever used our website? YesNo
    [group website-visit] If so, how often? WeeklyMonthlyOther
    [group visit-website-often]
    [/group] [/group]

    2) Have you downloaded our Christian Blue Mobile App? YesNo
    [group not-downloaded-app] If not, it takes just 2 minutes from your app store  

    3) Have you referred people to our network for products & services? If yes, check all that apply
    Print DirectoryWebsiteMobile App.

    4) Approximately how many free copies of our print directory should we send for you to make
    available to your congregation (Cincinnati/NKY, Dayton/Springfield & Miami Valley, Columbus & Central OH only)?

    5) How will you distribute the directories? (Check all that apply)
    Hand them outPut on information table/rackIn staff mailboxesOther

    [group directories-distribution]

    6) Would your church like to receive FREE copies of our Christmas Carol Songbook?
    [group number-of-copies] If yes, how many?
    *Depending on market availability

    7) Interested in receiving the following email communication from us? (check all that apply)

    8) Do you have comments about the Christian Blue Pages or ideas of how we can serve you better?

    If a comment is given, may we use it in promotional materials? YesNo
    *Churches receiving free listings must complete and sign this form annually, agree to
    distribute the directory, and adhere to Christian Blue Pages advertising requirements,
    subject to approval.

    Statement of Faith

    The Christian Blue Pages follows these Biblical principles, and we ask our advertisers to do the same.

    1. There is one God, eternally existing in three persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

    2. The Bible is God’s written and inspired revelation to man and is the primary authority for man’s life.

    3. The deity of Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, sinless life, miracles, death on the cross to provide for our redemption, resurrection, bodily ascension into heaven, present ministry of intercession for us, and His return to earth in power and glory.

    4. The personality and deity of the Holy Spirit, His power to perform the miracle of the new birth in unbelievers and to indwell believers, enabling them to live a godly life.

    5. Man was created in the image of God, and because of sin was alienated from God — that alienation can be removed only by accepting, through faith, God’s gracious gift of salvation which was made possible by Christ’s atoning death and resurrection.

    6. Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church, and all believers are to assemble together regularly for worship, for edification through the scriptures, and for mutual encouragement.

    7. Jesus Christ commanded all believers to proclaim the Gospel throughout the world and to disciple men of every nation.

    The Christian Blue Pages requires that churches interested in being featured in our network either with a listing or a display advertisement sign below stating they adhere to the Biblical principles as listed above.

    Full Name
