Best Life Financial Group

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Business Name: Best Life Financial Group

Contact Name: Michael Perez

Business Address:
Best Life Financial Group
445 Hutchinson Ave. Suite 200
Columbus, OH 43235


Business Phone: 614-505-0865

Our Approach at Best Life Financial Group focuses around “What Matters Most to You.,” and our team of financial advisors is dedicated to helping you live your Best Life.

At Best Life Financial Group, we are in the planning business focusing on your financial future. The “helping you have an impact business”. The “helping to make your dreams possible” business.

At Best Life Financial Group, we focus on serving a higher purpose while looking to do the right thing along the way.

From financial planning to investment advice.

From the joys of life to the challenges of life.

From figuring it all out to getting it all done.

We are Best Life Financial Group, and we are here to help you live your Best life.

What first inspired you to get into your line of work? And what motivates you to do the work you do still today?

At the age of 30, I was desperate to find a career that was entrepreneurial and would allow me to use my personal strengths and skill set. I was also very passionate about wanting to help and serve people. Through a series of different connections, I was able to launch a career in the financial services industry in 1992.

How did you come to faith in Christ?

After believing in God, but not surrendering my life to Jesus Christ for 41+ years, I was baptized and surrendered my life to Jesus Christ on May 16, 2004.  It was a long journey, and this came on the back side of being spiritually mentored by a man named Chris Watkins. I wrote a letter to God letting Him know that I was ready to live my life in a different way.

How does your faith impact the way you do business?

After 27 years in the financial services industry, I spun off from my business partners 4 years ago and started Best Life Financial Group, because I wanted to have a business that was all in for the Kingdom.  As Certified Kingdom Advisors, we have become a landing spot for people who want to live at the intersection of faith and finance.  We truly believe God owns our business, and it is a platform for us to minister to people and build up the Kingdom.

What ministry/cause do you champion and why?

My wife and I adopted our daughter, Lola, from Guatemala when she was a baby in 2003. To this day, we still support multiple children who live in the orphanage run by Forever Changed International. Last May, we even had the opportunity to visit the orphanage in Guatemala, and we were able to meet Lola’s birth mother for the first time as a family. It was truly an incredible experience.

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