Contact Name: Jerry Armelli, Steward
Business Name: Design & Intent Ministries
Address: PO Box 19949 Cincinnati, Ohio
Business Phone: 513-861-0011
Business Description:
Design & Intent Ministries is a counseling and discipleship ministry for men and women with same-sex attraction, gay-identified or trans-identified who are pursuing sexual purity and relational wholeness in accordance with God’s Word and as seen through the Divine’s design and intent throughout creation. Additionally, we offer support for the family and friends of gay and trans-identified individuals.
What first inspired you to get into your line of work? And what motivates you to do the work you do still today?
Three men who Jesus had transformed in their identities, desire and behaviors met within the Christian community. These three men very joyfully and tearfully shared the stories of their journeys of redemption, restoration, and transformation with one another. They were profoundly aware that there are thousands of men and women, like themselves at one time acquiescing to a gay identity with no idea of how Jesus enable them to walk in purity and wholeness. The men bowed their heads in prayer, “Jesus: What do you want to do with us?” They heard him say, “Start a support group and get a telephone line.”
That was thirty-four years ago. Fast-forwarding to today Design & Intent Ministries serves between four hundred individuals a year. We have eight support groups a month, consult with numerous pastors, leaders, teachers, and present classes on issues surrounding sexuality in various venues.
We have been on the front line of battle culturally and on the front row seats to see God change lives that have affected lives for generations!
Our motto: With Jesus anything is possible
How did you come to faith in Christ?
My struggle with same-sex attraction had gotten me so lost and confused, that when I experienced the love of Jesus, I surrendered everything to Him.
How does your faith impact the way you do business?
His Word and His Spirit are our guides. With one ear we listen to the individual’s heart and the other ear we listen to the Spirit of our Living God.
Jesus has impacted your lives personally and in every way so too then we inspire others to trust Him and follow His ways. We comfort others the way Jesus comforted us and love one another as He loved us.
What ministry/cause do you champion and why?
Psalm 102: 19 & 20 “The Lord looked down from his sanctuary on high, from heaven, he viewed the earth, 20 to hear the groans of the prisoners and release them.
This ministry exists because God hears the cries of His creation and is responding. One way He responds to the cries of His creation is through Design & Intent Ministries.