Shamrock Restoration, LLC

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Contact Name: Rob O’Brien

Business Name: Shamrock Restoration, LLC

Business Address:
7539 Liberty Lane
Liberty Township, OH 45040


Business Phone: (513) 999-9015

Shamrock Restoration is a general contractor specializing in insurance claims (storm, water, fire, etc.).  We provide emergency services to clean up and restoration services to put back any items or materials that were damaged.  We take great pride in helping restore your property and your life by insuring you are fully indemnified for any loss you suffer.

What first inspired you to get into your line of work? And what motivates you to do the work you do still today?

When I was working for larger restoration companies, I was frustrated with the size of the workload.  As a Project Manager, I was responsible for over eighty (80) clients.  I couldn’t keep up, and their projects suffered as a result.  When I opened Shamrock Restoration, LLC in May of 2017, I did it so I could give our customers the attention they need and deserve.  While we are not the largest company out there, we are the perfect size to treat each of our employees like family.  In turn, they are able to take care of your projects with the patience and care you deserve.  I am proud to run a company that respects its team members and provides great service to our community!

How did you come to faith in Christ?

Growing up with a grandfather who was a Methodist preacher, we often spent many hours in the church with family.  I remember bible camp in the summer and holding hands while saying our prayers around the dinner table.  To me, accepting Christ into my life at an early age reminds me of family.  I pray that we are able to pass those feelings onto my children as we raise them in a life led by the Lord.

How does your faith impact the way you do business?

Just like in life, we lead our business with the “Golden Rule’ quoted by Jesus during his Sermon on the Mount.  “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  We do not try to sell our services, we attempt to educate and help our customers make the best decision possible for them.  Sometimes that means we don’t make the sale!  However, we feel that being honest and having goodwill towards those who we come into contact with will pay off down the line.  So far, this approach has helped us prosper as the Good Lord keeps providing!

What ministry/cause do you champion and why?

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” 

We believe that accepting God’s love helps transform us from struggling beings into loving children of the Lord.  Anything that we can do to help spread the gospel and turn others into the light of the Lord is a cause worth championing!

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