In our newsletter this month, David Kithcart, Features Director for the Christian Broadcasting Network’s 700 Club, shares the real story of the man behind the upcoming Valentine’s Day holiday. St. Valentine, a priest in Rome in the 3rd century, gave his life defending the right of men and women to marry, and be joined in the bond of monogamous Christian marriage for life. I encourage you to take a couple minutes to read “St. Valentine, the Real Story “. This is certainly a timely topic, especially given the battle currently being waged in our culture regarding marriage.
Since love is the theme for this season, we are also reminded in 1 John 4:19 where true love truly begins…that we are able to love others because God, our Heavenly Father, first loved us. Later in the newsletter, I share a story about the “love of my life” helping to open my eyes, encouraging me to enjoy the present, and “Live in the Moment”. I trust you will enjoy this story as well.
And finally, as we seek to be a witness to a watching world of our faith in Jesus Christ, let’s also remember our Savior’s words of admonition to love our brothers and sisters in Christ:
“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:35
May you share a wonderful Valentine’s Day with the ones you love, and may the love of the Father fill your heart throughout this season of your life.
Darrel Geis, President, Christian Blue Network